Wander/Wonder (2017)Outdoor installation for Axis Mundi at Platteforum— Denver, COMirror, Pressed Flowers201740ft x 40ftThis full scale walking labyrinth grown from planted sunflowers, has an unambiguous route to the center and back and presents no …

Wander/Wonder (2017)

Outdoor installation for Axis Mundi at Platteforum— Denver, CO

Mirror, Pressed Flowers


40ft x 40ft

This full scale walking labyrinth grown from planted sunflowers, has an unambiguous route to the center and back and presents no navigational challenge, thus the mind is freed from decision making and the very act of walking becomes therapeutic. I chose sunflowers because they clearly exhibit the phenomenon of phototropism - responsiveness to light - a quality shared by humans, deeply rooted in our DNA. Participants can observe the beauty of the sunflowers in their varying stages of development or decay and reflect, remember, grieve, pray or meditate while walking the path. By conducting such a perambulation, this ritual becomes symbolic of a pilgrimage to the center, to the Axis Mundi.

Detail from Wander/Wonder (Full scale walking Labyrinth grown from Sunflowers) Part of Axis Mundi Exhibition at Platteforum Denver, CO

Detail from Wander/Wonder (Full scale walking Labyrinth grown from Sunflowers) Part of Axis Mundi Exhibition at Platteforum Denver, CO
