Ex Situ (2019)Vicki Myhren Gallery University of Denver, ColoradoMushrooms, Acrylic, GlassI work with ghosts. Utilizing medicinal mushrooms grown into otherworldly shapes via a shifting light source as sculptural source material, these specimens are…

Ex Situ (2019)

Vicki Myhren Gallery University of Denver, Colorado

Mushrooms, Acrylic, Glass

I work with ghosts. Utilizing medicinal mushrooms grown into otherworldly shapes via a shifting light source as sculptural source material, these specimens are neither dead nor alive. Interrupting the natural growth patterns of these mushrooms serves as a futile attempt to control the uncontrollable, to fully know the unknowable in nature. However, frozen behind glass - time slows to almost a halt, startling the senses, surprising the mind out of the hallows of habits. And for a brief moment, we are able to see, as a child sees - an ephemeral world of marvels.

Ex Situ at Denver Art Museum (2020)

Ex Situ at Denver Art Museum (2020)
